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신품로봇 > 산업용로봇  
야스가와 YASKAWA Electric Corp. 산업용로봇 MH6F-10
모델명 MH6F-10
카테고리 산업용로봇
제조사 야스가와 YASKAWA Electric Corp.
출시년도 미입력
사후관리 제조사 정책에 준함
교육지원 별도 협의
The high-speed, six-axis MH6F-series robots are designed for assembly, dispensing, machine tending, material handling and packaging applications. The FS100 is a small powerful controller with unmatched open software architecture.

Compact, Powerful and Economical
- High-speed six-axis MH6F robots require minimal installation space.
- Both robots feature 1,422 mm horizontal reach, 2,486 mm vertical reach and ±0.08 mm repeatability.
- Widest work envelope in its class with small interference radius; allows robots to be placed close to workpieces/equipment.
- Powerful design with high moment of inertia ratings provides higher carrying capacity.
- The MH6F features a 6 kg payload capacity. Higher speeds on all axes provide maximum throughput.
- For similar applications requiring heavier payload requirements the MH6F-10 offers a 10 kg capacity.
- Superior performance in assembly, dispensing, material handling, machine tending and packaging.
- Yields extraordinary production results while requiring minimal capital investment.
- Both robots can be floor-, wall-, or ceilingmounted. Brakes on all axes.
- Compact design and built-in collision avoidance features with multiple robot control allow two robots to be used together to maximize productivity while reducing overall floorspace requirements.
FS100 Controller
- Small, compact controller.
- 470 mm wide, 200 mm high, 420 mm deep.
- Designed for packaging and small parts handling robots with payloads of 20 kg and under.
- Compatible with integrated MotoSight™ 2Dvision (optional).
- Improved communication speeds and functionality.
- High-speed I/O response and high-resolution timers.
- Open architecture enables software customization in widely accepted environments such as C, C++, C# and .NET.
- Uses same programming pendant hardware as DX100 controller, providing a consistent programming interface with current products.
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