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신품로봇 > 산업용로봇  
야스가와 YASKAWA Electric Corp. 산업용로봇 MPL160 MLX100
모델명 MPL160 MLX100
카테고리 산업용로봇
제조사 야스가와 YASKAWA Electric Corp.
출시년도 미입력
사후관리 제조사 정책에 준함
교육지원 별도 협의
Four-axis MPL160 "Master Palletizing" robot has fast axial speeds and acceleration
which reduces cycle times and increases production output. The MLX100 Robot
Gateway™ provides a single unified controls platform for the robot, motion, logic and
communications all in a single platform that is programmed in ladder logic.

Flexible Palletizing Solution

- Extensive 3,024 mm vertical reach provides for palletizing loads up to 108" high on a 42" pallet, or up to 105" on a 48" pallet.
- 160 kg payload; 3,159 mm horizontal reach; ±0.5 mm repeatability. Other MPL-series available with 80-, 100-, 300-, 500- and 800-kg payloads to meet wide range of palletizing requirements.
- Features internally routed air lines and wiring between base of robot and end-ofarm tool. Hollow wrist provides wide range of wrist motion and maximum cable life.
- Can service multiple infeed conveyors and up to four pallet build locations.
MLX100 Robot Gateway
- Robot kinematics and motion planning is performed on the MLX100 Robot Gateway minimizing ControlLogix® processor demand.The robot is programmed entirely on RSLogix™ 5000 using Add-On-Instructions (AOIs) in a ladder format that is familiar to your current maintenance department.
- I/O and motion expansion is accomplished via the ControlLogix platform.
- Yaskawa drives are matched to the robot and delivered on a compact panel suitable for installation in the existing machine.
- Training requirements are reduced by employing familiar hardware and programming software.
- The MLX100 Robot Gateway is available with a range of other Motoman® robots.
- Simulation and development software package (MLX-Sim) available as option.
- Operating on a ControlLogix platform, MLX provides seamless integration to Cognex vision systems using In-Sight® Explorer.
- MLX100 is powered by Agile Planet software.
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